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Celebrating ELSET′s 10th anniversary

  • 04 October 2023 |
  • Published in Events

A lot of important ‘gifts’ were opened at ELSET’s ‘birthday’.

On Friday 29/09/2023, at Porto Palace hotel in Thessaloniki, labellers, suppliers, partners and friends of the Association gathered to celebrate the tenth anniversary of its creation, in 2013.

The most important ‘gift’ was that the event started with a reference to the flood victims of Thessaly. The President of the Administrative Council, Mr Avg. Chatzichrysos, opened his speech by reminding that ELSET has taken on the initiative to raise money for the victims and said that the Association has already contacted Humanity, a humanitarian organisation, which will buy the essentials that these people need and will hand them out. As there is no much time, money will be raised until Thursday 5/10, and they will be given to Humanity on Friday 6/10. There will be detailed announcements about the raised sum, the items bought and related topics.


Briefing at IEK ALPHA

  • 02 February 2023 |
  • Published in Events

Honouring our commitment to brief students of Graphic Arts, we visited IEK ALPHA in Athens and briefed young people about the industry, its history, its projected future and professional perspectives.

Mr Avgerinos Chatzichrysos presented the video that has been made specifically for briefing students, explained the stages of production, analysed the method of work and philosophy of labelling and packaging in general.


ELSET at the Piraeus VIT

  • 10 December 2022 |
  • Published in Events

Back to… school

After the “break” that the pandemic forced us to take, ELSET is starting again its visits at schools of graphic arts, in order to give to the students some information about with the professional orientation of young people in the field of Label Industry, but also of packaging in general.

The new round of informative visits started from the Second Chance VIT of Piraeus, at Tuesday, 8 December 2022. A visit to the same school has been made at the past.

The president of ELSET, Mr. Kalkavouras, talked to the students about Label Industry and packaging in general, he showed them work samples, he analyzed the prospects for professional employment and he answered the students' questions.


A piece of ELSET’s New Year Pie for… the future

  • 24 February 2020 |
  • Published in Events

The sense of optimism at the New Year’s Pie event of ELSET was so intense that surprised even the attendants.

Labelers, providers and ELSET’s friends were concentrated at “Life Gallery” hotel at Ekali in order to make wishes, to hear, to propose and to exchange opinions.

President of ELSET, Mr. Theodoros Kalkavouras made a quick reference to the activities of ELSET and a bigger reference to the goals of the Administrative Council for the next two years.


A meeting in… a low tempo

  • 18 April 2019 |
  • Published in Events

This time, labelers and providers went a little out of the usual context. The meeting at Hotel “Life Gallery” on Ekali was little less of a... professional nature and it was more like a chance for teambuilding and social contacts.

On Saturday 13-04-209, ELSET invited its members and friends for a quick briefing for recent activities, as well for a drink. Both of them were extremely successful.

The event started with a quick reference on the activities and the activities of ELSET by the president of the Administrative Council of ELSET, Mr. Avgerinos Chatzichrysos, its General Secretary Thodoris Kalakvouras and its cashier Aggelos Mpalamatsias.


ELSET at… the desks of Piraeus Technical School

  • 09 April 2019 |
  • Published in Events

The students of the Piraeus Technical School, showing much interest, participated in the presentation of LABELicious and discussed about the prospects of a professional career on the label industry. The presentation took place inside the School facilities on Wednesday, 3rd April.

At the first part of the speech of the main speaker, Mr. Aggelos Mpalamatsias (cashier of the Administrative Council of ELSET) explained to the students what a label is, which its utility value is and what its prospects are. Also, he briefly informed the students about the methods and the new technologies label industry is applying today.


Briefing at AKTO College for LABELicious

  • 19 February 2019 |
  • Published in Events

ELSET “visited” once more students of Graphic Arts, this time those of AKTO College. This “visit” was made in order to make a briefing about LABELicious contest by FINAT and also about inform the students about label industry.

Mr. Aggelos Mpalamatsias, the cashier of the Administrative Council of ELSET was the main speaker. He informed the students about the label industry and its prospects on professional and creative level.


ELSET at Sivitanideios school for LABELicious

  • 30 January 2019 |
  • Published in Events

Continuing its information campaign for LABELicious contest by FINAT and in general, for the label industry, ELSET made a briefing to the students of Sivitanideios school, especially to those of the faculties of Graphic and Digital Press (1st and 2nd semester) and Food & Drinks technology (1st and 3rd semester).

The presentation was separated in two parts.


Briefing about LABELicious on West Attica University students

  • 27 December 2018 |
  • Published in Events

As a part of the campaign for the LABELicious contest organized by FINAT, ELSET made a briefing on students of the Graphic Arts faculty of the West Attica University.

President of ELSET, Mr. Avgerinos Chatzichrysos, with the assistance of Professor Mr. Tasos Politis, explained to the students this FINAT initiative, as well as what kind of competition is this one and what are the prizes.


Information, the… biggest piece of the pie

  • 22 March 2018 |
  • Published in Events

Members and friends of ELSET participated in the New Year’s Pie event on Saturday 17-03-2017, at the hotel “Life Gallery”, at Ekali.

The president of ELSET, Mr. Angerinos Chatzichrysos, made a quick reference on the activities that ELSET made last year, he reminded the participants of the events and the issues presented and also he pointed out that a lot of agencies had approached ELSET demanding its collaboration or auspices for events about label industry issues.

Next, he referred to the next steps for the recycling of Release liner and the practice of the sector’s new employees.


Labelers and Providers together

  • 19 November 2017 |
  • Published in Events

The labelers asked form their collaborators to express their opinions about their work, the future and their collaboration. They accepted doing so.

Labelers, providers and other collaborators participated in an event at Volos, on Friday 0-11-2017, in order to express their opinions.


Event of Salonica

  • 31 May 2017 |
  • Published in Events


A lot of modernist and innovative propositions had been expressed at the event who took place in Salonica, under the thumb of ELSET.

As it was already known, the event was separated in two parts. The first part concerned exclusively the Label factory. Our collaborators had been informed about FINAT news, they expressed their opinion on the sector’s subjects and discussed with each other about their working methods, their future, their prospects and needs, and the chance of collaborating with the creative departments of their clients or advertising offices for better results. Also, it was recommended for the collaborators to express and submit their proposition for the function of ELSET.


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    Postal Code 11251, Athens, Greece

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