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Pandora and the… label

Pandora and the… label

Have we ever thought how old the concept of packaging is? When was the first mention of a container? What was in it?

The answer lies in Greek mythology, hidden in Pandora’s jar—most commonly known as a ‘box’. This was the first ‘container’, which contained all evils of the world but also hope.

This box was gifted by Zeus to Pandora, wife of Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, for their wedding. Pandora was a clay figure created by Hephaestus at the command of Zeus. Athena, Zeus’s daughter, breathed life into her and taught her to weave and wear clothes. Aphrodite gave her beauty. Hermes taught her to charm and deceive.

All that happened because Zeus wanted to take revenge on people for the good that Prometheus had done to them at the expense of gods. So, he sent Pandora as a gift for inept Epimetheus to marry. Although his brother had warned him to not accept gifts from Zeus because they had hidden traps, Epimetheus fell in love with her and married her. When Zeus saw that everything went according to his plan, he gave Pandora another ‘gift’ for her wedding: a box. But told her to never open it.

For a little while, the couple lived happily. But Pandora could not find peace. She was curious about the content of the box and could not understand what value there is in a gift that you cannot open

As expected, she could not resist her curiosity for long. One day that she was alone at home, she took the huge key and unlocked the box. She carefully lifted the lid, but the pressure from inside was so high that she could not hold it down. The box opened completely and let out all illness, malice, old age, death, violence, hatred, war, greed, jealousy and all evils of the world.

When Pandora managed to shut the box, only hope had remained in it.

Perhaps all those evils would have never appeared in the world and our lives would have been immensely better if this ‘box’ had been made with today’s packaging standards. In that case, it would also have had a label.

So, Pandora would have known its content, composition, origin and… producer, and she would have never opened it.

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