President of ELSET, Mr. Th. Kalakvouras and the member of its Administrative Council, Mr. Ag. Mpalamatsias, gave an interview on the newspaper “Typographia” about the crisis, its consequences and the future
The slogan “back to normality” seems simple and easy, but in fact it isn’t. It can’t come true in a day and the new “normality” won’t be exactly the one that existed before the pandemic. It’s widely known that the future will bring changes and we can’t understand how many, which ones and how big they will be.
President of ELSET, Mr. Theodoros Kalakvouras and the member of its Administrative Council, Mr. Aggelos Mpalamatsias, explain in their interview in “Typographia” that the label industry couldn’t turn down its productivity during the pandemic, since it had to provide uninterruptedly the companies of food, medicines or cleaning supplies production. They also talked about the way and the size of the COVID-19 effects on the label industry, the difficulties they faced on the job scheduling, the problems on the smooth handling of raw materials, the upcoming changes on the label industry, the participation of ELSET in the battle against the pandemic, the future of the sector’s exhibitions and for the positive messages for the future, since usually a sunshine comes after the rain.